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Empowering Startups

Development and product design solutions for startups

Our process begins with a collaborative and holistic assessment to gain a robust understand of you, your business and key stakeholders. We will explore your business problems and needs co-creatively.

Technology with a Purpose

We work well with small business agencies and startups

We help startups to ideate, design, develop, evaluate and launch apps keeping in mind their expectations and constraints with regard to costs and timelines.

Technology with a Purpose

We work well with startups and agencies

We help startups to ideate, design, develop, evaluate and launch apps keeping in mind their expectations and constraints with regard to costs and timelines.

Ui Design

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Cloud Manage

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App Development

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Our work — digital marketing case studies

We work with forward-looking organizations who understand that joining the global startup economy is key to drive innovation and spur economic growth.

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Testimonials & Reviews from Our Customers

Marili Valle

Profissional: Claudia Venturi
Agradecer ao excelente trabalho da Claudia Venturi, existem realmente pessoas que fazem diferença na nossa vida, somam e nos ajudam a conquistar coisas que a gente já não achava mais que seria possível e ela é assim 🔝 🔝 🔝 A Claudia faz a diferença no trabalho dela mesmoooooo!

Let’s work together

We work with ecosystem leaders, corporations and startups worldwide. How can we help you?
Enterprise-Class IT Support

High-Level technology for startups

High-performing technology begins with a strong foundation. We start by developing a network infrastructure that supports fast connection speeds and grows with you as your business expands. With our virtual CIO services, it’s time to plan for the future – crafting a strategy to get the most out of your IT investments. And when a problem arises, our helpdesk is on hand 24 hours a day.

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